Sehoy and Enon Plantations, Bullock County

Spanning 17,959 acres, Sehoy and Enon Plantations are renowned for their fire-maintained open pine grasslands, which are considered the finest bobwhite quail habitats in Alabama. These plantations also harbor one of the state’s two remaining populations of endangered red-cockaded woodpeckers on non-federal lands, as well as Alabama’s only remaining population of the endangered American chaffseed (Schwalbea americana).

The Alabama Forest Land Trust (AFLT) secured funding from both government and private sources to manage and protect these critical species. Originally placed under conservation easement by the same owner in 2002 (Sehoy) and 2003 (Enon), the property is now held by six different landowners who share common conservation objectives.


Healthy Watersheds


Meadowbank, Monroe County